Jennifer Keller, EdD
After eight years as chair of the journalism department, it’s been nice to be teaching more courses again, including Mass Media Ethics. I stepped down in fall of 2022, although I did fill in as interim chair while Brian J. Bowe was away on professional leave this past fall.
The best part about teaching more is that in this year’s capstone class there are students who are taking their third class with me, which takes me back to those earlier cohorts. I’ve enjoyed “twisting the arms” of several PR alumni to talk to my introductory public relations students about their career paths. The students are so appreciative and it really opens their eyes to the many opportunities once you graduate. For many of them, that is the best part of the classroom. So, thank you to all my former students – it’s great to hear from you!
I continue to be very active on campus. I am still chair of the Western Coalition for Integrity and after a lengthy development, pilot, revision process, we are about to launch a proactive academic integrity training program for incoming students. The idea for this came out of interviews with then journalism students for my doctoral dissertation. So, thank you again! I have also been fortunate enough to present at conferences the past couple of years – on online learning and academic integrity last spring and about PR curricula this spring. It was particularly nice to present in San Antonio because Derek Moscato and Jenny Bettis were both there for the Borderlands conference. A little WWU meet up!
On the personal side, Mark and I had a lovely trip to France with my parents last June. We spent most of our time in Alsace-Lorraine, with a few days in Paris at the end. We are still working on our new house in anticipation of maybe moving in this fall, or winter, or…. This would be especially good news for Milo, since we bought the house to give him a bigger yard!